The Southern Hemisphere polar region is a system of interconnected physical and ecological
components comprising the Antarctic continent, sub-Antarctic islands, the Southern Ocean and the
deep ocean basins surrounding South Africa, along with the overlying atmosphere and the
opportunities to observe the universe from this largely uninhabited location. The human dimension
gives structure to the research investigation, because Antarctica and the surrounding region outside
the countries’ exclusive economic zones are regulated by treaties engraved in the principle of science
for society. The Antarctic region is hence climatically, ecologically and socio-economically linked to
South Africa, and the vast range of disciplines require a holistic approach. The proposed establishment
of the South African Polar Research Infrastructure (SAPRI) will ensure coordination of South African
marine and Antarctic research as a national Big Science programme, providing seamless access to
existing and new research infrastructure required to develop and enhance long-term observations of
South Africa’s polar region.
The SAPRI is designed as a consortium hosted at the South African Environmental Observation
Network (SAEON), which has proven experience in managing infrastructures and will fast-track its set
up and operations. The ultimate objective of SAPRI is to enable balanced research growth across the
polar disciplines, and to maintain and further expand the world-class long-term observational datasets
already established. In addition, SAPRI will transform the access to, and perception of, the South
African polar regions for technicians, engineers, scientists of all disciplines, learners and students,
government, private business and civil society. The establishment of SAPRI will elevate South Africa
into a central role within the Antarctic space, with the produced science and international standing
directly benefiting the governmental strategies for Antarctica and the sub-Antarctic islands. As the
only African player in the polar regions, South Africa will further accelerate the implementation of the
pan-African Science, Technology and Innovation agenda, thus achieving the main imperatives of the
National System of Innovation.