Keynote address during session: Air-sea interaction and its linkages with ecosystem response in the Southern Ocean.
The Southern Ocean is a challenging region to conduct scientific studies due to its harsh climate, limited accessibility, and remoteness. Environmental changes in the Southern Ocean impact air-sea exchanges of climatically active substances. Understanding emission and deposition fluxes of atmospheric constituents (e.g. dust, mercury, halogens, sulphur compounds, organics etc.) are critical for quantifying the role of the Southern Ocean on the global climate system and the effect of climate change on the Southern Ocean ecosystem. This session welcomes research focusing on air-sea interaction and its linkage with the Southern Ocean ecosystem. We are looking for studies that include ocean-atmosphere exchange of GHGs, mass and energy fluxes, the effect of atmospheric deposition on the Southern Ocean biogeochemistry and ecology, Southern Ocean’s biogeochemical control on atmospheric processes, the response of biogeochemistry in the Southern Ocean to changes in climate variables, and possible climate intervention through changing the air-sea interaction in the Southern Ocean.