GG 313 5/76 1 folder, 4 pages. Manuscript notes and document. Letter from Alex W. Walker (Pearson, Walker Shipping Co.) to the Colonial Secretary, London, inquiring if the British Government would issue a permit for fishing, whaling and sealing in connection with Marion, Possession, Prince Edward, Heard, St. Paul and Amsterdam islands, for a period of investigation (ending June 1920) and in the event they desire to establish the enterprise permanently, to be granted sole concession for a period of 5 years (1920-1925) with option for renewal for a further 5 years. Adds that concession shall include fishing operations, research for mineral deposits exclusive of precious stones, gold and silver), 28.9.1919. Letter from the Secretary of State for the Colonies quoting letter mentioned above and informing that 1. the application for concessions for Possession Island ought to be made to the Union Government, while St. Paul and Amsterdam are claimed by France. 2. As regards the other islands His Majesty’s Government is unable to negotiate, having made other arrangements with other parties, 31.10.19.