Antarctic Legacy Archive

South African National Antarctic Programme (SANAP)- Knowledge advancement and support; Framework document 2021-2023

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dc.contributor South African National Antarctic Programme en_ZA National Research Foundation Klaarenbeek, T J 2020-02-24T07:14:57Z 2020-02-24T07:14:57Z 2020-01
dc.description.abstract Funding instrument description. SANAP is a region-specific, theme-driven funding instrument which supports research in the Southern Ocean, including the Prince Edward Islands, and in Antarctica. As a competitive funding instrument, the chief eligibility criteria are: Research in the geographic region of the Southern Ocean, including the Prince Edward Islands, and / or in Antarctica Alignment with the research themes as detailed in the South African Antarctic and Southern Ocean Research Plan (2014-2024) Scientific merit and quality of the research proposal Evidence of associated human capacity development SANAP research addresses the research themes detailed in the South African Antarctic and Southern Ocean Research Plan (2014-2024), and is underpinned by the overarching South African Marine and Antarctic Research Strategy (MARS) of 2015. The Antarctic and Southern Ocean Research Plan (hereafter “the Research Plan”) is focused on an integrative systems approach to understanding the evolution of the earth systems and ecosystems in the 21st Century. The Research Plan provides the overarching framework of operations for SANAP research activities, and follows the integrated progression from Earth Systems to Ecosystems to Human Systems in the research themes. Human activities and socio-political complexities in this international arena are of equal importance1. Specific research themes detailed in the Research Plan are: Earth Systems Living Systems Human Enterprise Innovation: Southern Ocean and Antarctic technology and engineering en_ZA
dc.description.sponsorship Sponsored by the National Research Foundation (South Africa) en_ZA
dc.description.statementofresponsibility Antarctic Legacy of South Africa en_ZA
dc.language English en_ZA
dc.language.iso en_ZA en_ZA
dc.rights Copyright en_ZA
dc.subject Research - Archaeology en_ZA
dc.subject Research - Astronomy en_ZA
dc.subject Research - Atmospheric en_ZA
dc.subject Research - aurorae en_ZA
dc.subject Research - Biology - Marine en_ZA
dc.subject Research - Biology en_ZA
dc.subject Research - Ecology en_ZA
dc.subject Research - Engineering - Civil en_ZA
dc.subject Research - Engineering - Mechanical en_ZA
dc.subject Research - Genetics en_ZA
dc.subject Research - Geochemistry en_ZA
dc.subject Research - Geology en_ZA
dc.subject Research - Geomagnetism en_ZA
dc.subject Research - Geophyics en_ZA
dc.subject Research - Glaciology en_ZA
dc.subject Research - Health en_ZA
dc.subject Research - History en_ZA
dc.subject Research - Ionospherics en_ZA
dc.subject Research - Law en_ZA
dc.subject Research - Meteorology en_ZA
dc.subject Research - Microbiology en_ZA
dc.subject Research - Nuclear physics en_ZA
dc.subject Research - Oceanology en_ZA
dc.subject Research - Physical geography en_ZA
dc.subject Research - Political sciences en_ZA
dc.subject Research - Seismology en_ZA
dc.subject Research - Space/earth science en_ZA
dc.subject Research - Zoology en_ZA
dc.subject Research - Botany en_ZA
dc.subject Research en_ZA
dc.title South African National Antarctic Programme (SANAP)- Knowledge advancement and support; Framework document 2021-2023 en_ZA
dc.type Other en_ZA
dc.rights.holder National Research Foundation en_ZA
iso19115.mdconstraints.uselimitation This item and the content of this website are subject to copyright protection. Reproduction of the content, or any part of it, other than for research, academic or non-commercial use is prohibited without prior consent from the copyright holder. en_ZA
iso19115.mdidentification.deliverypoint Antarctic Legacy of South Africa, Faculty of Science, Private Bag X1, Matieland. Stellenbosch. South Africa. en_ZA
iso19115.mdidentification.electronicmailaddress [email protected] en_ZA

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