Antarctic Legacy Archive

Photo submitted to APECS South Africa for the APECSSA Polar Week March 2019 photo competition

Show simple item record Stirnimann, Luca APECSSA, Photo Competition 2019-09-11T08:18:12Z 2019-09-11T08:18:12Z 2017-04 2017-04
dc.description.abstract The competition had four categories: data, landscape, fieldwork, wildlife. Follow this link for more information and to view the winners of this competition: Photo submitted (author) by: Luca Stirnimann. Helicopter deck of the S. A. Agulhas II and the phytoplankton incubation system. Category entered: Data en_ZA
dc.description.sponsorship Sponsored by the National Research Foundation (South Africa) en_ZA
dc.description.statementofresponsibility Antarctic Legacy of South Africa en_ZA
dc.language English en_ZA
dc.language.iso en_ZA en_ZA
dc.rights copyright en_ZA
dc.subject Research - Biology - Marine en_ZA
dc.subject Research - Oceanology en_ZA
dc.subject Research en_ZA
dc.subject Transport - Sea - Ships - SA Agulhas II en_ZA
dc.title Photo submitted to APECS South Africa for the APECSSA Polar Week March 2019 photo competition en_ZA
dc.type Image en_ZA
dc.rights.holder Luca Stirnimann en_ZA
iso19115.mdconstraints.uselimitation This item and the content of this website are subject to copyright protection. Reproduction of the content, or any part of it, other than for research, academic or non-commercial use is prohibited without prior consent from the copyright holder. en_ZA
iso19115.mddistributor.distributorcontact Antarctic legacy of South Africa en_ZA JPG en_ZA
iso19115.mdidentification.deliverypoint Antarctic Legacy of South Africa, Faculty of Science, Private Bag X1, Matieland. Stellenbosch. South Africa. en_ZA
iso19115.mdidentification.electronicmailaddress [email protected] en_ZA

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This item appears in the following Collection(s)

  • Polar Vessels [701]
    Vessels in the Antarctic Region and Southern Ocean. Photo Gallery of Vessels used by South Africa for research and logistical purposes within the national Antarctic Programme. Also included are vessels that used South Africa as a Gateway to Antarctica

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